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February 14 – All Year Long

It's February 14, Valentine's Day, with all that entails.  We all know it is a bullshit, artificial holiday and yet- it still seems to have a hold people.

For us, Valentine's Day has run the gamut.

It's synonymous with me saying, "we can just skip it, don't worry about"; and even more memorable for being the day on which you proposed, with many in between...

This Valentine's, I thought I'd take a moment to reflect on how grateful that I am to be in a relationship with love and romance all year long. I know we've talked about this countless times, but since you have made this very awesome blog for us, I thought I'd capture this here.

Life was VERY lonely before you. I'd go so far as to say that lonely was a constant accent in every scene of my life. It was like I had missing a limb and limping through life until you came along and the healing began. I cannot possible overstate what a difference it is having you as my boyfriend, friend, lover, and eventually husband and helpmate. Every cliche is true. You complete me. You're my best friend. You are my sunshine. And I ch-ch-ch-choose you.

Happy Valentine's Day, my love. Thanks for giving us this forum to share.



1 thought on “February 14 – All Year Long

  1. Pat

    I'm blessed to have someone who doesn't need me to choke out some artificial emotion just because it happens to be the 14th. Sometimes we get to use this as a good excuse for some fun or romance and sometimes we just don't have it in us. Everyday is a blessed day with my loving wife and every day is a good one to remember how much I love you. Happy day! I'm glad I got to share it with you!


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