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The NASB section title is The Glory of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom...I am quite intrigued.

...continue reading "Isaiah 60 Arise and shine!"

After a few chapters looking forward to salvation from the Suffering Servant in the future, Isaiah has returned to the present and is rebuking Israel for the deeds that will first lead to the exile.

...continue reading "Isaiah 57"

Isaiah foreseeing judgment against the nations continues with Damascus (Syria). Damascus is the capital city of Aram, also known as Syria.

...continue reading "Isaiah 17 (Damascus [Syria]and Israel)"

According to the NASB Ryrie Study Bible organization, Chapters 3 and 4 combine in a sub section titled, A Message of Doom and Deliverance. There was much doom in Chapter Three. Bring on the deliverance!

...continue reading "Micah 4 (Judah)"

Isaiah is prophesying about the final demise of Israel as a warning to Judah.

...continue reading "Isaiah 10 (Judah/Israel)"