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A beautiful prediction of Jerusalem's (Zion's) final redemption.

...continue reading "Isaiah 62"

The NASB section title is The Glory of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom...I am quite intrigued.

...continue reading "Isaiah 60 Arise and shine!"

Fair warning, I'll be quoting every verse in this chapter. It is so good and rich in blessings for us.

...continue reading "Isaiah 55"

This chapter continues the prophesy of the Servant and salvation.

...continue reading "Isaiah 54"

This post includes the closing verse of chapter 52 and all of 53 as this is the passage describing the Suffering Servant of Jesus Christ.

...continue reading "Isaiah 52:13- 53 Suffering Servant"

Using the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading list, we have a brief pause between Isaiah 48 and 49. We revisit Hezekiah in II Kings 19 and then read these three psalms, 46, 80, and 135.

...continue reading "Psalms 46, 80, and 135"

The Ryrie Study Bible titles this section "In Releasing Judah from Babylon." The Lord was speaking to Cyrus, Israel's deliverer from Babylon; then He spoke directly to Babylon. Now He speaks to Israel.

...continue reading "Isaiah 48 (Judah)"

At the end of Isaiah 44, the Lord is predicting the deliverance of Israel from Babylon by the decree of Cyrus, 150 years in advance. This prediction regarding Cyrus continues in this chapter.

...continue reading "Isaiah 45"