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Josiah's story continues...

...continue reading "II Kings 23 (II Chronicles 34, 35, 36: 1-5)"

Second version of the continuing Hezekiah saga, as well as Manasseh and Amon.

...continue reading "Chronicles 32-33"

Fair warning, I'll be quoting every verse in this chapter. It is so good and rich in blessings for us.

...continue reading "Isaiah 55"

Because I don't make much progress here while I'm leading my bible studies, it's been a full year since we were last in II Kings. In Chapter 17 we saw the official end of the northern kingdom of Israel and in Chapter 18 we read of the many victories of Hezekiah in Judah, because he did right in the sight of the Lord. However, the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading plan left us with a cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 18. Now the exciting conclusion of Hezekiah in II Kings 19.

...continue reading "II Kings 19 (Judah)"

A Ryrie footnote describes this chapter as a song of triumph over Babylon--as crushed by Persia 150 years later and, ultimately, at the end of rebellion against God in Revelations (Rev. 17:5).

...continue reading "Isaiah 47"

In Isaiah Chapters 40 and 41 we have been exploring Who God Is. Here's what we know so far. God is Great! He delivered Israel; He is in control of world leaders; He is greater than idols. He provides. He protects. Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord.

Now, in Chapter 42, we learn more about God and His mysterious Trinity, specifically His Servant Jesus.

The Lord is our God; the Lord is One.

...continue reading "Isaiah 42"

This is the second of three events we see in the "historical interlude" in the middle of the book of Isaiah, all related to King Hezekiah. These are cross-referenced in II Kings 20 and II Chronicles 32.

...continue reading "Isaiah 38"

This is a continuation of the "historical interlude" from the reign of Hezekiah, as found in II Kings and cross-referenced in II Chronicles.

...continue reading "Isaiah 37"

I'm asking God for a specific miracle in my life; and this season is robbing me of normal sleep and peace. A few years ago I read a book by Lou Giglio who challenged the reader to meditate on the Lord's Prayer for 30 days every time a need comes to mind or you heart is unsettled. Looks like it's time to take up the challenge once again.

...continue reading "Psalm 23"