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Using the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading list, we have a brief pause between Isaiah 48 and 49. We revisit Hezekiah in II Kings 19 and then read these three psalms, 46, 80, and 135.

...continue reading "Psalms 46, 80, and 135"

Well, the good news is we're in the last chapter of the first half of Isaiah. After today, it's called the "New Testament" half of Isaiah. The bad news is, in this last chapter of the Hezekiah historical interlude, we come to that time when even the best kings of Israel make poor decisions.

...continue reading "Isaiah 39"

This is the second of three events we see in the "historical interlude" in the middle of the book of Isaiah, all related to King Hezekiah. These are cross-referenced in II Kings 20 and II Chronicles 32.

...continue reading "Isaiah 38"

This is a continuation of the "historical interlude" from the reign of Hezekiah, as found in II Kings and cross-referenced in II Chronicles.

...continue reading "Isaiah 37"

As Israel and, eventually, Judah race toward oblivion for life as they've known it, the Kings and Chronicles give way to prophets who seem to be God's final effort to turn their trajectories toward His will and away from their idolatry and rebellion.

In my attempt to read chronologically, one of my reading plans says Amos is next and the other says Isaiah. So I have decided to start with Isaiah. Although I'll start Amos after Isaiah 8, and will keep checking in with the Kings and Chronicler.

...continue reading "Intro to the Prophets and Isaiah"

Continuing in the attempt to read the bible chronologically, we are now ready for II Kings and the remainder of II Chronicles. These will be spread out over the corresponding events in the major and minor prophets of each leader.

...continue reading "Intro to II Kings"

I have been on a very long journey to read the Old Testament in chronological order, which (once passed the first few books) is much more difficult than I would have guessed. Once I got passed the divided kingdom and it was going to take a few different books at once to move forward, I made a decision to go back and read more of the end of the united kingdom before it got too far away. So I read some Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

Now, I am heading back to the narrative; but as a refresher, I am going to read through some I Kings and II Chronicles that I've already reviewed.

...continue reading "Goin’ Back to Go Forward"

Well...if you've following along on the recent adventures in my blog you'll know that Ahab finally brought God to the end of His mighty patience and God poured out a most severe judgement. Ahab finally expressed some grief and humility- bringing God to delay the judgement package until Ahab's son.

...continue reading "I Kings 22 (final chapter)"

Just as a brief reminder of how we arrived here. Israel split into two after Solomon. In the north, the nation that held onto the name Israel, was the rebellious half. It's first leader, Jeroboam, had a covenant with God; but promptly began to ignore by making idols, adding new worship centers and festivals to keep people from going to Judah. He then went off the deep end and started a full blown false religion.

This was followed by his son, just as wicked, but only ruling for a fraction of the time and replaced by his assassin, Baasha, ending the Jeroboam dynasty with a count of 2. Baasha's dynasty also held a two count, as his drunk son was assassinated, while getting drunk, by one of his military's leaders, Zimri.

Zimri lasts seven days and is replaced by Omri. That brings us up to speed.

...continue reading "I Kings 16 – 18: Ahab and Elijah"