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After a few chapters looking forward to salvation from the Suffering Servant in the future, Isaiah has returned to the present and is rebuking Israel for the deeds that will first lead to the exile.

...continue reading "Isaiah 57"

This post includes the closing verse of chapter 52 and all of 53 as this is the passage describing the Suffering Servant of Jesus Christ.

...continue reading "Isaiah 52:13- 53 Suffering Servant"

This is a continuation of the Lord speaking from Chapter 23.

...continue reading "Isaiah 44"

Beautiful promises of redemption from our Lord.

...continue reading "Isaiah 43"

Chapters 28-31 include 5 "woes". This chapter covers Woe 4.

...continue reading "Isaiah 30 (Judah)"

This chapter includes 2 of the 5 "woes" in this section of Isaiah, Chapters 28-31.

...continue reading "Isaiah 29 (Judah/Jerusalem)"

For years now, between bible studies and whenever I have "extra time", I've been reading and blogging my way through the Old Testament chronologically. Following Hosea, I'm back in Isaiah.

...continue reading "Isaiah 28"

I had the privilege of being asked to speak at the annual Women's Retreat I attend through Rocky Mountain Calvary, Women of Calvary. The theme was Pursuing Holiness, based on the book, Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges. The previous several posts were my notes as I was reading the book. Below is the final presentation talking points and slide content. This isn't a transcript of what was actually said, but the raw notes of what I planned to say.

Here's a link to a cell phone recording of the actual presentation. I'll update the post with the official video when I get the link.

...continue reading "Holy Harvest Presentation"