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This post includes the closing verse of chapter 52 and all of 53 as this is the passage describing the Suffering Servant of Jesus Christ.

...continue reading "Isaiah 52:13- 53 Suffering Servant"

In preparing for the 2023 WOC Fall Women's Retreat, I am reading the timeless Christian classic, The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. I thought I would capture my thoughts here, in lieu of my Old Testament posts. This is not meant as a coherent narrative or review of the book; but quotations, excerpts, and my thoughts as I read the text. A written highlight reel and my commentary on the highlights.

...continue reading "The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges (Ch. 1-3)"

Continued refresher, as I am going back through some of I Kings and II Chronicles that I've already reviewed before resuming my attempt at chronologically reading the Old Testament.

...continue reading "More Goin’ Back to Go Forward"