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A beautiful prediction of Jerusalem's (Zion's) final redemption.

...continue reading "Isaiah 62"

A reflection on where God met me and who I am now, in Him.

...continue reading "My Walk with the Lord"

Chapter 4 starts more like the other prophet books I've read so far. The Lord is bringing a legal case against the inhabitants of the land.

...continue reading "Hosea 4 (Israel and Judah)"

Hosea has a wife and three kids that all tell the tales of an Israel who has forsaken God and God has disowned, while still giving His longsuffering hope for the future.

...continue reading "Hosea 2 (Israel)"

The chronological reading order from the Blue Letter Bible interrupts Isaiah and even breaks up the reign of Hezekiah, sending us to the full book of Hosea.

...continue reading "Introduction to Hosea (Israel)"

I start with a confession. I've been in a mood as of late. And not a godly mood. Not everyday and not all of the time; but building for the last couple of years since I was at a graduation party and someone pointed out that my brother and cousin were turning fifty years old. And in the final days before my own 50th birthday, last week, this mood left me weepy and fully self-pity and entitlement.

...continue reading "Turning 50 and Nehemiah 13"