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II Samuel 13: 1-22 (Wiersbe)

Starting with a side note: I haven't read a word of Wiersbe's commentary yet and I'm already annoyed. As mentioned in previous posts, I am a huge fan of Wiersbe and his ability to bring the Old Testament to life in a way applicable to the our lives under the New Testament. But this particular book in his "Be" series has been repeatedly disappointing. First with some of the awkward "bolt on" references to Jesus (which is usually his strength), then with his treatment of Bathsheba. And now, I'm starting the chapter on the rape of Tamar and what does he title it, David's Unruly Sons. Not Tamar's Violation or even Amnon's Sins. But "unruly", like it was graffiti or something, not rape and murder. I swear this book is trying to turn me into a feminist.

OK, enough of that. Let's hope he does better with the actual scripture.

We're not off to a good start. He says this section is mostly about Absalom because he turns a drama into a tragedy. My guess is Tamar would disagree. I imagine she sees the tragedy start when she was defiled and raped.

Wiersbe points out that here are multiple laws in Leviticus and Deuteronomy that prohibit uncovering your half sister's nakedness. As heir to the throne, undoubtedly, Amnon knew this and should have dealt with his sinful thoughts; not pursued them.

There were separate quarters for the virgin princesses and they were kept separate, even from male relatives.

Oh, my. Wiersbe points out that the creepy cousin who helped push Amnon to his creepy plan to lure in Tamar, is the same person who was by David's side when David erroneously heard that ALL of his sons were murdered by Absalom. He even says, it's probably not all of them, Absalom has wanted to kill Amnon since "he violated his sister Tamar." That's awful. He knew it was a violation and yet he designed the whole rape. And has the nerve to distance himself from it.

Twice so far, Wiersbe is saying Amnon committed the rape out of lust. I don't buy that. Lust is burning desire. But it is not rape. Rape comes from wanting to own and damage someone else. He wasn't satisfying a desire or he wouldn't have hated her and kicked her out in humiliation after. Having sex with her was just his method of accomplishing his even more evil desires.

Wiersbe points out that Absalom's plan may not have helped Tamar, but did give him reason to kill his rival for the throne. With Amnon the first born out of the way, Absalom had a clear shot at the throne. It left his sister devastated and unavenged, but that didn't seem to be a concern.

Tamar couldn't go back to the home for the virgin princesses and she now had few prospects for marriage. So she had to go to Absalom, whose job it was to avenge her.

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