It looks like it will be one more day of random Lent blogging before I return to the sub-topic of forgiveness.
Tuesdays are one of our longer days, so often times we get a lot less of our normal routine done.
One interesting thing to note, we have joined the millennial trend of cord cutting. We shut off our satellite tv service and now we only have Netflix and whatever streaming services we decide to use.
It's been nice. We still watch TV a little bit everyday, but there isn't the same choice of mediocre programming that's just interesting enough to keep us watching in lieu of doing something better.
I've worked out more in the evenings, which I could never bring myself to do; I've been better about doing dishes and laundry on weeknights (still not good, but better); and I've blogged every day of Lent so far!
There were so many hours given over to watching TV! I don't even want to let myself think about what I could have done that needs done in my life.
But the sun will rise tomorrow and I'll have another opportunity to do my best and fall on grace where I fall short.
Praise the living God. I am grateful.
I didn't know you guys cut out your tv service. Good for you! I have lived without it for so long that I can't really fathom how people have time for it. I am always so busy with everything else.