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II Samuel 5-Wiersbe

Wiersbe starts off this section review by briefly listing David's life so far-

  1. Shepherd buy who had to fight off lions and bears.
  2. Volunteers to fight a giant in the name of the Lord.
  3. Becomes the bodyguard for the King and makes best friends with the King's son.
  4. Then the dark turn to being the enemy of the King- first in his own castle and then on the run for 10 years. 10 years! That is a long, long time to be in that situation.

"It is through faith and patience that God's people inherit His promises."

This is another example of "restore" in this book- David inherits a divided kingdom, but restores it through God.

Davis was from the royal tribe of Judah. And he was a shepherd. That was what these people needed after the long period of the judges. They had completely lost their way- generations back- and needed to be restored to one kingdom under God

The foundation of the Jewish Nation was their covenant with God through the law of Moses. David had to join that covenant and promise to uphold it.

David's Capital: The City of David

Abner and Ish-Bosheth made their capital in Mahanaim, on the other side of the Jordan. (Tribe of Benjamin)

David's capital was in Hebron, in Judea. (Tribe of Judah)

David new part of restoring the tribes was to show that he was the King of everyone. So he chose a new capital that was between the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. It was a city of Jebusites, a group that hadn't been evicted when Joshua settled the Promise Land. It was also a well fortified city with natural defenses on three sides and a good water supply. That shows political and military insight. (And, of course, God's provision).

Jews were not to form alliances that would hurt their testimony of their relationship with the one true living God. Hiram of Tyre was a Phoenicians King who sent the materials, expertise, and men to build David a "house." The Phoenicians needed the food from the Jewish farmers in return for goods from around the world. David also made alliances with other nations via all of his marriages. This brought many children (plus all the concubines and their kids). All of this was against God's plan from Deuteronomy- and some of it resulted in death and heartache.

It's important to remember that David wasn't perfect, even before Bathsheba. He was human and in need of God's grace everyday- just like the rest of us. I'm sure he believed everything he did was in Israel's interest and security.

It seems that the Philistines didn't mind David being King of Judah in Hebron. Wiersbe thinks they still considered him one of their vassals.

But when he became King of all of Israel they changed their minds and considered him and enemy that must be destroyed.

In the two battles that followed (which David carefully followed God's instruction) David won back the territory that Saul had lost.

These victories put everyone on notice that this new King was guided and protected by a different kind of God than their idols, which ended up left behind on the battle field. When Israel followed God's will, instead of doing what was right in their own eyes- the results were profoundly better and to God's glory.

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