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Short post today...

As one of the home maintenance things we've noticed lately, I noticed a crack forming in my closet rod. So for the last few weeks, I have intended to purge my closet. ...continue reading "Lent 2016: March 6, Day 26 -One Bite of Elephant"

Somehow I missed an entire day of blogging and didn't notice until this afternoon.

As I alluded to in my March 3 blog, I have been feeling a little run down. ...continue reading "Lent 2016: March 5, Day 25 -Irons in the Fire, Part 2"

Well, I got behind the eight ball today and ran out of time. It's gonna be a short post!

I set today aside to push to get caught up and when I wasn't able to, I felt pretty frustrated and a little overwhelmed.

My husband came home, listen to me complain and then he hugged me and let me know that everything was going to be alright. ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 25, Day 16 -Husband Hugs"

Things have been a bit heavy around the blog lately, so I thought I take a little break tonight and then continue with the other half of the forgiveness equation soon.

For tonight, I am amazed by the depth of God's love for me ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 22, Day 13 -Palette Cleanser"

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Day one of WordPress Word Camp, Denver 2015 has come and gone and the number one thing I learned is the same thing I've known all along. Writers write. ...continue reading "Reflections on Word Camp, Denver 2015: Day One"