Jeremiah receives addition messages from the Lord.
In verse 1 Jeremiah again hears from the Lord.
Jeremiah is told, specifically, to stand in the gate at the Temple and proclaim God's words. Interestingly, the message of repentance is for those who come to those gates to worship the Lord. This wasn't as message for the heathens or even the Jews who were worshipping in other places.
What an important reminder that we can be going to church and going through the motions and still need to amend our ways. Similarly, the paragraph ends with a warning not to trust the Temple itself or their traditions; but God alone.
It's also worth noting that the ways He wants amended are not just sexual and idolatrous, but also justice, provision, compassion and actions for those in need.
He doesn't want us committing sin and then stopping by the Temple and expecting to be delivered in our time of need. We can see how it went for Shiloh and the northern tribes of Israel. Take heed.
He even tells Jeremiah, in verse 16, not to pray for them because He won't listen. Yikes.
He goes on to describe their sins and how He will repay those sins; but I noticed one thing in particular. In verse 18 they are preparing to sacrifice to the "queen of heaven", among other false gods. I think "queen of heaven" is one of the names Catholics call Mary. I would need to look into that further, but it seems like one more scripture that implies they are lifting her higher than they ought.
In the paragraph beginning with verse 21, the Lord calls their memories back to Egypt and reminded them that His desire is for obedience, not sacrifice.
He wraps up through verse 29 with the command for Jeremiah to continue speaking and calling, even though they won't respond. And for that, lamentations are coming.
The chapter ends in verses 30-34 in a message from the Lord that sounds like one of those prophesies that will play out in the near term for Judah, but in the long term for Armageddon. He points out that they brought detestable things into the Temple and built high places of idolatry; but His strongest indictment is because they burned their sons and daughters against His will. These sacrifices to Molech and other gods took place in a valley just outside of Jerusalem. God is changing the name of that valley to the Valley of Slaughter because so many people are going to die they'll have to bury them there, because there will be no where else. The birds and beasts will feast on these bodies uninterrupted. (Sounds like Revelations, right?) Silence will descend, mirth will die, and it will become a wasteland.
If I had a little more time today, I would include an extended rant on abortion and how it's expanding from "rare, safe, and legal" to up to full term, and most evil, letting babies die who survive abortion to be born. But I think the parallel is obvious. When God blesses you with a child and you sacrifice it for your convenience or preference, God is not pleased.
He always, with all sins, invites us to amend our ways, which we can do because of the work of Jesus on our behalf. Grab hold of this grace while the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.