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II Samuel 11- Wiersbe v. 4

In this section, Wiersbe takes on the issue I mentioned in my previous post, what was Bathsheba's state of mind in this sin.

Wiersbe states that in the phrase, "David sent messengers and took her..." the word "took" (Laqua) can mean to get, receive, or acquire, or it can mean lay hold of, seize, or take away.

Wiersbe says that "...the reader assumes that Bathsheba cooperated with the messenger. " But I was the reader and I did not assume that. I assume that when the king calls for you and your husband is at war, maybe you think you'll hear news. Or maybe you're a loyal member of God's nation and you come when taken. But I don't assume, so far, that she is volunteering for this sin.

He says there are details in I Kings that may construe that this whole thing was a plan of hers. It seems like almost all of his hypotheticals are scenarios that paint her in a negative light, greedy scheming, seductress. He didn't come up with even a single scenario where she was completely innocent.

Wiersbe points out that Hollywood (and novels) put out many stories about adultery for entertainment. Never showing the full cost. We've made it easy to shatter a marriage, and keep on looking for the person who will always make you happy, no matter how broken you each are. Adultery has consequences, that's why God would place such high penalties on something that could affect the unity and purpose of His nation. David saw first hand how it could spiral into nationwide crisis.

He concludes this section by saying that David AND Bathsheba sinned against God. I am not yet convinced of that. Maybe there are more clues coming; but it may be seen that way however, I still see that it could be David coercing her against her will. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this; I'm not usually one to play the feminist card...but he did murder a dude, so it's not outside of the choices he could make, and he had all of the power. Mostly, I guess I'm discouraged that Wiersbe didn't even consider it. Again, maybe that's because he knew many things I don't. But I think if he had earnestly asked the question and then thoroughly answered it, instead of a few half-hearted throw-away lines, I could have settled it in my mind.

Instead, I picture this women having to clean herself up (purify herself from her uncleanness) and return to her house alone. Only to find herself pregnant while her husband is out of town-so no explanation except adultery and a stoning. Not the grand plan Wiersbe makes it out to be.

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