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Nahum 2

In Nahum 1, we learned about God and why those who come against Him should fear Him. He promises to free Judah and end those who devise against the Lord. Now, in chapter, I think we're about to get specific about the judgement against Nineveh.

This chapter starts out a bit confusing. Verse 2 is clear:

For the Lord is restoring the majesty of Jacob
    as the majesty of Israel,
for plunderers have plundered them
    and ruined their branches. Nahum 2:2

So what's about to happen will restore Israel.

I think verse 1 is telling Nineveh (Assyria) to brace for battle, but the tone seems more encouraging than threatening. The commentaries account for this by describing the prophet's tone as sarcastic, which you'd think I would pick up on-- seeing as sarcastic is my primary form of communication. 🙂

All of that changes in verse 3-6, which is a detailed prophesy about the enemy coming for Nineveh, which will be the Medes and Babylonians.

  • Mighty men dressed in red with spears and red shields
  • chariots flashing steel because of blades attached to their wheels
  • the chariots come tearing into town, flashing quickly
  • they breach the river gates and the Tigris River floods their temple and washes it away

And then, in verse 7, that's it. "And it is fixed." She is stripped and carried away, leaving the women moaning in pain.

Verses 8-10 are a vivid description of the stripping of Nineveh. Silver, gold, and all kinds of treasure that had been plundered from all of the peoples ravaged by the Assyrians flows away like water from a pool that has been breached. She is emptied. Desolate and wasted. Leaving instead melted hearts, knocking knees, anguish, and pale faces.

Verses 11-13 prophesies that this coming destruction will be like capturing a lion, devouring the young lions, and removing all of its prey--preventing further tribute payments to come in from the nations under their previous dominion. All of the commentaries mention that Assyria was associated with the symbol of the lion. I guess lions were found there and statues and symbols of lions are found throughout the Assyrian ruins. But no beast can stand when the Lord has come against them.

Behold, I am against you, declares the Lord of hosts, and I will burn your chariots in smoke, and the sword shall devour your young lions. I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messengers shall no longer be heard. Nahum 2:13

It all feels very straightforward and specific. Nahum was given such a clear prophesy for Nineveh. I read in one of the commentaries that Nahum is not quoted in the New Testament, except maybe a verse in Romans that could have a couple of sources. That's interesting to me. Important enough to be among the prophesies, but completely wiped out of the story going forward. When the Lord is against you; you have dark days coming. All of Assyria's plundering has come home to roost.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary cross-references the fulfilled prophesies against Nineveh in Jeremiah 50:17-18 and Ezekiel 32: 22-23 at the hand of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 612 bc.

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