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I'm a bit uninspired today, but I wanted to be sure that I submitted my daily post for Lent. I thought today might be a good day to express my gratitude for my job.  ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 16, Day 7 -Work Gratitude"

I had the day off for the Presidents' Day holiday, so gratitude is sort of built right in. 🙂

This post is more confession than gratitude, I suppose... but here it goes. I am a crazy cat lady. I actually only have one cat, so I guess I'm not actually a full-blown crazy cat lady, but if not for fear of my husband divorcing me- I could easily become one.  ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 15, Day 6 -Princess Gratitude"

Each year I try to give up something during the Lenten season. I find that it gives me a concrete point of concentration to draw closer to God by thinking about Him and talking to Him whenever I would normally have or want the thing I am giving up.

This year, however, I have been uninspired as to what to give up. Usually it is obvious, something I like, and usually something I probably shouldn’t have so much anyway. I’ve done Mt Dew, meat, fear, potato products, desserts, and mental distractions like music and audio books in the car. But this year, nothing sounded exactly right. ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 10, Day 1 -God Gratitude"

Guard dog and guard dad 2

I had a harrowing event occur on my way home tonight and it led to an unexpected memory. I was running late, anxious to get home, and headed down the last mile of our dirt road. As I rounded the last bend, I saw two dogs in the road- one big, one little. Neither moved; and as I was going too fast (as usual), it took some effort to get slowed down.

Meanwhile the dogs weren't moving- at all.

Then I realize it is one big dog and one very little person, a toddler- leaning on his riding toy like an elderly person using a walker. ...continue reading "Unznheimer Ike of Willow Creek"

This week, I'm working on a short story.

In anticipation of my main character's struggle, I'm asking my readers to share their own story from the theme: What question do you dread being asked? ...continue reading "Dreaded Question: Reader’s Stories"

You know this ain't love
No, this ain't love
(What is it then?) It's desperation

Eminem, Desperation (featuring Jamie N Commons), The Marshall Mathers LP2

Now that I'm writing again outside of work, I find my reading tastes are, once again, leaning more literary and less 'brain candy'.

Yesterday, I started a memoir by one of my favorite authors, Richard Russo. At three a.m. this morning I made myself put it down; and then devoured the rest when I woke up. The U.S. release of the book is titled Elsewhere. ...continue reading "Elsewhere, by Richard Russo – Review and Personal Reflection"