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In recent posts, I've been exploring the Lord's Prayer as a template for daily prayer. I've procrastinating on today's topic because I feel very humble to even try to comment on the topic, forgiveness. ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 21, Day 12 -Foundational Forgiveness"

Each year I try to give up something during the Lenten season. I find that it gives me a concrete point of concentration to draw closer to God by thinking about Him and talking to Him whenever I would normally have or want the thing I am giving up.

This year, however, I have been uninspired as to what to give up. Usually it is obvious, something I like, and usually something I probably shouldn’t have so much anyway. I’ve done Mt Dew, meat, fear, potato products, desserts, and mental distractions like music and audio books in the car. But this year, nothing sounded exactly right. ...continue reading "Lent 2016: February 10, Day 1 -God Gratitude"


"And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"
Esther 4:14, New American Standard Bible

I am prone to minor obsessions. If I find a book, movie, show, or topic that alights my imagination, I tend to think about, dream about it, have imaginary conversations about it, and then inexplicably, I move on.

My latest minor obsession is George Washington's Revolutionary War Culper Spy Ring. ...continue reading "For Such a Time as This"

Jesus - Mt 1:21
Prince of Peace - Is 9:6
Mighty God - Is 9:6
Wonderful Counselor - Is 9:6
Holy God - Mk 1:24
Lamb of God - John 1:29
Prince of Life - Acts 3:15
Lord God Almighty - Rev 15:3
Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Rev 5:5 ...continue reading "And thou shalt call his name"