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I Chronicles 29 David’s Goodbye

The final chapter of I Chronicles. The end of the Davidic era and the beginning of the reign of Solomon. So very much happened in David's life. From a young shepherd boy to a young man taking on a giant in the name of God and country, to a prince, to an outlaw, to a King with 40 years of wins and losses. His early life touched the edges of the chaos of the judges and his late life passed on the fortune and peace of a modern age. He expanded the kingdom, brought music and worship to His people and to us, and made way to bring the presence of the lord to the people- first by the Temple, and eventually through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

In Chapter 28 David was giving a speech that was mostly to Solomon. In Chapter 29, verse 1, he turns again to speak to the very large and varied assembly of leaders he called for the occasion.

  • God chose my son
  • he is young and inexperienced
  • the task is great
  • I've used everything I have to prepare for this temple to my God
  • You've got the resources you need, gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, fine quality stones
  • Now you can have all of my personal treasures for the project

Then he asked them to give. And they gave willingly and joyfully. The it says that the people rejoiced at their leaders willingness to give to the Lord.

Then beginning in verse 10, David prayed and praised the Lord before the assembly.

  • God of our father, Israel
  • everlasting to everlasting
  • everything amazing in this world is You
  • You are the leader of everything. Yours is the kingdom.
  • wealth and honor come from you
  • You have the power to exalt and give strength to all
  • thanks and praise
  • these gifts we give are also from you. who are we to claim anything as coming from us
  • the work we do for You comes from You
  • You test the heart and are pleased with integrity
  • we all gave with clean intent
  • Please keep these people loyal
  • give Solomon the wholehearted devotion to keep Yor commandments and build this temple

Then David said to the assembly to Praise the Lord your God. And they bowed down before the Lord. Then they made sacrifices to the Lord.

They ate and drank with great joy in the presence of the Lord that day.

I Chronicles 29: 22a

That's what David wanted all along. He wanted God's presence among the people. What a beautiful gift from God to David and the end of his life. That's the fellowship our church is trying to promote with the Connect Groups- eating and drinking with joy in the presence of the Lord.

In the second half of verse 22 they acknowledge Solomon as a king a second time, anointing him King and Zadok as priest. Solomon prospered and Israel obeyed him. All officer, warriors, and the other sons of David submitted to him. God exalted him and bestowed royal splendor such that Israel had never seen.


Those 2 paragraphs are a stunning summary of Solomon's life by the chronicler. What a magnificent and blessed life Solomon had. We'll learn later that he had a heart for the people; but also, this work of the Temple was part of God's plan. He provided for it abundantly in resources and people and planning. I wonder if much of Solomon's blesses came because God needed that peace and prosperity to get His work done.

We don't know His plan. Not even in looking backward to holy history. But we can see that His work gets done and sometimes that takes certain circumstances to do it.

David obit begins in verse 26. 40 years King of Israel. Enjoyed a long life, prosperity, and succession by his son. There are more events of David;s life recorded by Samuel, Nathan, and Gad.

To God of our history and future be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

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