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Writer's Roots

I have had a life-long relationship with writing, that has been by turns euphoric, heart-breaking, tedious, enlightening, discouraging, and profitable- but continually unexpected. ...continue reading "So You Wanna Be a Writer…"

Two weeks ago I wrote an article detailing the night I broke my back in a fall from my school's roof. An odd thing happened one week later. A crew of window cleaners were suspended by ropes outside my office window and one of them fell 50 feet to the ground. ...continue reading "Three Things I Learned from Being in an Emergency"


"And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"
Esther 4:14, New American Standard Bible

I am prone to minor obsessions. If I find a book, movie, show, or topic that alights my imagination, I tend to think about, dream about it, have imaginary conversations about it, and then inexplicably, I move on.

My latest minor obsession is George Washington's Revolutionary War Culper Spy Ring. ...continue reading "For Such a Time as This"


“If you were to rush into this room right now
and announce that you had struck a deal
with God, Allah, Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Bill Gates, whomever–in which the ten years since my diagnosis could be magically taken away, in for ten more years as the person I was before–
I would, without a moment's hesitation, tell you to take a hike.”
Michael J. Fox, Lucky Man: A Memoir

We all wear multiple titles under our name: what we do for a living, who we are in our family and among our friends, our hobbies, accomplishments, and many other factors. In 1999, I gained two new and unwelcome monikers—“the teacher who fell off the roof of the school” and “incomplete paraplegic”. ...continue reading "Legend of My Fall"


I am one of many Americans that would pay good money if I could be guaranteed that I never again had to hear a song from the movie Frozen. Or Everything is Awesome from the Lego Movie. I've heard comedians make similar jokes about the songs from The Lion King.

And then I remember ET from my own childhood. You know, The Extra-Terrestrial? Reese's Pieces? Phone home, any one? The adults mocked us for our tears and devotion to the little creature, but I was profoundly moved by his journey. ...continue reading "What’s your most beloved childhood story?"

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Day one of WordPress Word Camp, Denver 2015 has come and gone and the number one thing I learned is the same thing I've known all along. Writers write. ...continue reading "Reflections on Word Camp, Denver 2015: Day One"

Jesus - Mt 1:21
Prince of Peace - Is 9:6
Mighty God - Is 9:6
Wonderful Counselor - Is 9:6
Holy God - Mk 1:24
Lamb of God - John 1:29
Prince of Life - Acts 3:15
Lord God Almighty - Rev 15:3
Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Rev 5:5 ...continue reading "And thou shalt call his name"