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I'm waiting on a commentary for II Kings before I move on with the chronological study. So I thought I would take a detour through Ecclesiastes. I had planned to read this with all of the other David and Solomon reading; but the failed attempt at Psalms stopped that plan.

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We've settled in to the wicked kings that ruled over Israel once it split from Judah. We are currently during the reign of the infamous King Ahab. Elijah and Ahab have gone head to head as Elijah shamed and then had slain the 450 prophets of Baal who professionally served Ahab and Jezebel's court.

God has proven himself as real and Baal has been proven as silent and unresponsive.

Ahab is racing back to Jezreel to meet up with his wicked wife, Jezebel; but God blesses Elijah with the strength to overtake Ahab on foot and get to Jezreel first. This is where the story picks up in Chapter 19.

...continue reading "I Kings 19: The Lord is Our Shepherd"