Yay, it's time for Josiah!
...continue reading "II Kings 22 (Josiah Understood the Assignment)"Tag: Babylon
Chronicles 32-33
Second version of the continuing Hezekiah saga, as well as Manasseh and Amon.
...continue reading "Chronicles 32-33"II Kings 20-21
With the end of Isaiah, the chronological reading list brings us back to II Kings and Hezekiah.
...continue reading "II Kings 20-21"Isaiah 59
The continuation of sin, its consequences, and the mercy of the Lord.
...continue reading "Isaiah 59"Isaiah 52
Further prophesy of Judah once they have been taken into Babylonian captivity and then released by the hand of God to return to their land.
...continue reading "Isaiah 52"Isaiah 51
This is a message for the faithful remnant.
...continue reading "Isaiah 51"Isaiah 48 (Judah)
The Ryrie Study Bible titles this section "In Releasing Judah from Babylon." The Lord was speaking to Cyrus, Israel's deliverer from Babylon; then He spoke directly to Babylon. Now He speaks to Israel.
...continue reading "Isaiah 48 (Judah)"Isaiah 47
A Ryrie footnote describes this chapter as a song of triumph over Babylon--as crushed by Persia 150 years later and, ultimately, at the end of rebellion against God in Revelations (Rev. 17:5).
...continue reading "Isaiah 47"Isaiah 46
The Lord's predictions concerning Cyrus and Israel's deliverance from Babylon continues.
...continue reading "Isaiah 46"Isaiah 45
At the end of Isaiah 44, the Lord is predicting the deliverance of Israel from Babylon by the decree of Cyrus, 150 years in advance. This prediction regarding Cyrus continues in this chapter.
...continue reading "Isaiah 45"