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My attempts to read the Bible, thus far, have not gone perfectly. I'm trying to keep things together so that the kings and prophets all get filed with their historical events in my brain. But from now on, the books have a range of people and events. So I jumped to I Chronicles to wrap up David before I moved on to Solomon. So now I am coming back to pick up I Kings...the adventure continues.

...continue reading "Introduction to I Kings"

The final chapter of I Chronicles. The end of the Davidic era and the beginning of the reign of Solomon. So very much happened in David's life. From a young shepherd boy to a young man taking on a giant in the name of God and country, to a prince, to an outlaw, to a King with 40 years of wins and losses. His early life touched the edges of the chaos of the judges and his late life passed on the fortune and peace of a modern age. He expanded the kingdom, brought music and worship to His people and to us, and made way to bring the presence of the lord to the people- first by the Temple, and eventually through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

...continue reading "I Chronicles 29 David’s Goodbye"

As he almost always did, when it was time for something important, David summoned all of the officials of Israel to assemble. He was an early pioneer in change management (maybe because his Mentor was the God of the Universe.)

...continue reading "I Chronicles 28 Be Strong and Do the Work."

Recently I started using a Chronological Bible for my daily reading. I felt like I had a hard time aligning events in the right time frame when I read each book in order. I couldn't remember who went with which event and era. I had planned to do it on my own until I got to the end of II Samuel and realized that the next several books contained multiple overlapping timelines.

...continue reading "Return to I Chronicles 26"

July 9, 2020

I'm trying to read through the Old Testament chronologically and I am in the book of I Chronicles. I had, what I consider, a substantial insight yesterday about David and his obsession with God's Temple; but ran out of time before I could explore it. It's been on my mind and I want to try and capture my thoughts, as they can be quite fleeting.

...continue reading "David Pursues the King of Glory"

I am attempting to read through the Bible chronologically and am in the Old Testament in I Chronicles. David has collected the materials and local for Solomon to build the Temple of God and now he is organizing the Temple workers, the Levites. He breaks those into four groups, the priests, the musicians, the gatekeepers, and the officials.

I have already written posts on how the Levites were organized, and specifically about the priest, musicians, and gatekeepers. The NIV Chronological Bible now includes several Psalms that are either noted as by the Sons of Korah (one of two "gatekeeper" families) or about requirements for entry into the Temple.

...continue reading "Psalms of the Sons of Korah (Gatekeepers) 15 and 24 (why David wants the Temple)"

In this section of the I Chronicles, David is making extensive arrangements for the building of God's Temple under Solomon.

...continue reading "I Chronicles 26: 1-19 The Temple Gatekeepers"

July 4, 2020

David is preparing and making ever possible arrangement for Solomon to begin the building of God's Temple. After collecting the materials and labor, he has set about organizing the temple servers for the Lord. He has divided the priests and Levites into four groups, by family (sons of Levi)--Levites, priests, musicians, and gatekeepers.

In a previous post I reviewed Chapter 23 and the Levites. Next, the chronicler focuses on the Priests.

...continue reading "I Chronicle 24-25"