The Temple has been built and the Lord was faithful to fill it with His presence. Now Solomon dedicates and prays over this House of God. What a seismic moment in their history and ours. To speak into such a profound moment had to come from the Lord. No human, even the wisest one can do that without God's guidance.
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I King 6 and II Chronicles 3
Solomon worked with Hiram for the final preparations for building the Temple. He also conscripted workers and levied taxes to pay for all of his building projects, creating the first cracks of resentment that will, ultimately, divide the nation.
...continue reading "I King 6 and II Chronicles 3"I Kings 3:1-15
So, verse 1 doesn't get us off to a good start. Solomon goes and gets a wife in Egypt and forms an alliance with them. Then he brought her back to Jerusalem. Meanwhile he was working on his own house and the Temple.
...continue reading "I Kings 3:1-15"I Kings 2
When King David was old and weak, his oldest living son tried to steal the throne in Chapter 1; but was thwarted when David found out about it and accelerated Solomon's anointing. He moved Solomon directly to coregenting from the throne.
...continue reading "I Kings 2"I Kings 1
It's (almost) the end of the David era...moving on to Solomon's story.
...continue reading "I Kings 1"I Chronicles 29 David’s Goodbye
The final chapter of I Chronicles. The end of the Davidic era and the beginning of the reign of Solomon. So very much happened in David's life. From a young shepherd boy to a young man taking on a giant in the name of God and country, to a prince, to an outlaw, to a King with 40 years of wins and losses. His early life touched the edges of the chaos of the judges and his late life passed on the fortune and peace of a modern age. He expanded the kingdom, brought music and worship to His people and to us, and made way to bring the presence of the lord to the people- first by the Temple, and eventually through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
...continue reading "I Chronicles 29 David’s Goodbye"I Chronicles 28 Be Strong and Do the Work.
As he almost always did, when it was time for something important, David summoned all of the officials of Israel to assemble. He was an early pioneer in change management (maybe because his Mentor was the God of the Universe.)
...continue reading "I Chronicles 28 Be Strong and Do the Work."Of the Sons of Korah (Psalm 47)
Continuing through the bible chronologically and working through the Psalms aligned with I Chronicles and the assigned gatekeepers, the Sons of Korah. This is the second of three Psalms (46-48) that is supposed to have written by King Hezekiah.
...continue reading "Of the Sons of Korah (Psalm 47)"How I found God’s Love in Loss
I have been camped on Psalm 44 for several days now and I know there is something really special here.
...continue reading "How I found God’s Love in Loss"David Pursues the King of Glory
July 9, 2020
I'm trying to read through the Old Testament chronologically and I am in the book of I Chronicles. I had, what I consider, a substantial insight yesterday about David and his obsession with God's Temple; but ran out of time before I could explore it. It's been on my mind and I want to try and capture my thoughts, as they can be quite fleeting.
...continue reading "David Pursues the King of Glory"