Taking a detour between I and II Kings into Ecclesiastes.
...continue reading "Ecclesiastes 3"Category: Daily Reading
Ecclesiastes 2
Solomon, or the author taking on his persona, has made his claim of the vanity of vanities. Now he continues to explain his grim world view.
...continue reading "Ecclesiastes 2"Ecclesiastes
I'm waiting on a commentary for II Kings before I move on with the chronological study. So I thought I would take a detour through Ecclesiastes. I had planned to read this with all of the other David and Solomon reading; but the failed attempt at Psalms stopped that plan.
...continue reading "Ecclesiastes"I Kings 21: God’s Amazing (and Surprising) Grace
We're firmly into Prophet Elijah and King Ahab territory. Mostly recently, Israel was attacked by Syria and God took a very personal interest in King Ahab, assisting for His own name's Sake. While Ahab was partially obedient to his nation's benefit, he was also partially wrong.
...continue reading "I Kings 21: God’s Amazing (and Surprising) Grace"I Kings 19: The Lord is Our Shepherd
We've settled in to the wicked kings that ruled over Israel once it split from Judah. We are currently during the reign of the infamous King Ahab. Elijah and Ahab have gone head to head as Elijah shamed and then had slain the 450 prophets of Baal who professionally served Ahab and Jezebel's court.
God has proven himself as real and Baal has been proven as silent and unresponsive.
Ahab is racing back to Jezreel to meet up with his wicked wife, Jezebel; but God blesses Elijah with the strength to overtake Ahab on foot and get to Jezreel first. This is where the story picks up in Chapter 19.
...continue reading "I Kings 19: The Lord is Our Shepherd"I Kings 16 – 18: Ahab and Elijah
Just as a brief reminder of how we arrived here. Israel split into two after Solomon. In the north, the nation that held onto the name Israel, was the rebellious half. It's first leader, Jeroboam, had a covenant with God; but promptly began to ignore by making idols, adding new worship centers and festivals to keep people from going to Judah. He then went off the deep end and started a full blown false religion.
This was followed by his son, just as wicked, but only ruling for a fraction of the time and replaced by his assassin, Baasha, ending the Jeroboam dynasty with a count of 2. Baasha's dynasty also held a two count, as his drunk son was assassinated, while getting drunk, by one of his military's leaders, Zimri.
Zimri lasts seven days and is replaced by Omri. That brings us up to speed.
...continue reading "I Kings 16 – 18: Ahab and Elijah"I Kings 15-16 and II Chronicles 13-16: Kings on Parade
I admit...I stole this title from Wiersbe's commentary on these chapters> I'll have to see if I change it once I read the content; but I'm guessing it's perfect because I think we're about to hit a string of kings and many of them will fly by as they did not glorify God.
Let's check 'em out.
...continue reading "I Kings 15-16 and II Chronicles 13-16: Kings on Parade"I Kings 14: Jeroboam and Rehoboam
I'm reading through the early days of the divided kingdom, currently the events on the 10 northern tribes, lead by Jeroboam. Who was recently visited by a Man of God with a severe prophesy. Needless to say, he ignored it.
...continue reading "I Kings 14: Jeroboam and Rehoboam"I Kings 13: God Warns Jeroboam
I'm back into the narrative portion of the story of Israel and it's final days as a united kingdom. Or more precisely, it's first days divided. There are now two parallel story lines running. Today I'm going to be following Jeroboam after his decidedly evil tour into idolatry- taking his tribes with him.
...continue reading "I Kings 13: God Warns Jeroboam"I Kings 12 and II Chronicles 10: The Divided Epoch Begins
So, when I started through the Old Testament this time I decided I wanted to read it chronologically. So when we got to the end of Solomon's life and epoch is about to end, I thought about stopping to read some other books by David and Solomon. However, I got seriously bogged down in the psalms. Part of that was an extremely busy season at work and the recent holiday travel, but they seem a bit random at times, making them a bit of a grind right now.
I pray there's a season when they bring as much to me as God has revealed in the narrative storyline; but for now, I'm worried about losing the thread of the primary story and I'm heading back to I Kings and II Chronicles.
...continue reading "I Kings 12 and II Chronicles 10: The Divided Epoch Begins"