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Here we go...the oft-misquoted, but still encouraging--Jeremiah 29.

...continue reading "Jeremiah 29: Jeremiah Writes a Letter"

The Lord speaks again to the house of the king of Judah.

...continue reading "Jeremiah 22"

Next up in the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading list is Zephaniah.

...continue reading "Zephaniah"

Second version of the continuing Hezekiah saga, as well as Manasseh and Amon.

...continue reading "Chronicles 32-33"

Isaiah 63 through the first part of 65 gives the formula for the blessings we've been reading about: Judgment; Confession; Repentance.

...continue reading "Isaiah 63, 64, and 65:1-16"

After a few chapters looking forward to salvation from the Suffering Servant in the future, Isaiah has returned to the present and is rebuking Israel for the deeds that will first lead to the exile.

...continue reading "Isaiah 57"