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This is the final chapter in the "woes and blessings" chapters (ch 24-35). This chapter is a direct contrast to the previous chapter 34. From Armageddon to the contrasting Kingdom of God and the blessings enjoyed for those who chose Him and are in His family.

...continue reading "Isaiah 35"

In the Ryrie Study Bible's outline of Isaiah, Chapter 27-35 are labeled as denunciations against Israel and Judah, with the subtitle of "woes and blessings". We've spent the last few chapters dealing mostly with Egypt; but the focus shifts to Assyria.

...continue reading "Isaiah 33"

With Assyria (God's enemies) vanquished in Chapter 31, we a righteous king and just princes rule.

(In Warren Wiersbe's Commentary on Isaiah, Be Comforted, he categorizes the next four chapters, Chapters 32-35, the four chapters that conclude the first section of Isaiah's prophesy, to be followed by an historical interlude and then the "consolation"/"new testament" portion of the book. Four future events divinely-inspired for God, His people, and the world.)

...continue reading "Isaiah 32"

Chapters 28-31 include 5 "woes". This chapter covers Woe 4.

...continue reading "Isaiah 30 (Judah)"

A reflection on where God met me and who I am now, in Him.

...continue reading "My Walk with the Lord"

In this final chapter of Hosea we can look forward with relief and humility towards God's loving restoration of the prodigal people.

...continue reading "Hosea 14 (Hallelujah!)"

Buckle up. We've concluded the section on the oracles of the nations. Now we're heading into a new set of chapters, 24-27. Just to give the sense of it, here the section heading in my Ryrie Study Bible: THE FUTURE TRIBULATION AND KINGDOM (ISAIAH'S APOCALYPSE). That's quite a title. Isaiah's Apocalypse sounds like the title to a horror film. Previously, I might have been tempted to skim this section very quickly. But I've learned that, even though these times are often filled with horror, they are actually a time of Hope. God drawing every last soul who will choose Him.

...continue reading "Isaiah 24, 25, 26, and 27"

Isaiah foreseeing judgment against the nations continues with Ethiopia in Chapter 18.

...continue reading "Isaiah 18 (Ethiopia)"