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In Nahum 1, we learned about God and why those who come against Him should fear Him. He promises to free Judah and end those who devise against the Lord. Now, in chapter, I think we're about to get specific about the judgement against Nineveh.

...continue reading "Nahum 2"

Second version of the continuing Hezekiah saga, as well as Manasseh and Amon.

...continue reading "Chronicles 32-33"

Isaiah 63 through the first part of 65 gives the formula for the blessings we've been reading about: Judgment; Confession; Repentance.

...continue reading "Isaiah 63, 64, and 65:1-16"

A beautiful prediction of Jerusalem's (Zion's) final redemption.

...continue reading "Isaiah 62"

The NASB section title is The Glory of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom...I am quite intrigued.

...continue reading "Isaiah 60 Arise and shine!"