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In this final chapter of Hosea we can look forward with relief and humility towards God's loving restoration of the prodigal people.

...continue reading "Hosea 14 (Hallelujah!)"

The tone from God changes, starting in this chapter; and hope blooms on the horizon.

...continue reading "Hosea 11 (Israel and All of Us)"

Hosea has a wife and three kids that all tell the tales of an Israel who has forsaken God and God has disowned, while still giving His longsuffering hope for the future.

...continue reading "Hosea 2 (Israel)"

We just finished a bit of a deep dive into King Ahaz in Judah, now the Blue Letter Bible Bible Chronological reading list is having us read about King Hoshea in Israel before we return to Isaiah.

...continue reading "II Kings 17 (Israel)"

The close of Chapter 11 of Isaiah is a prophesy that the remnant of Israel will pour out of Assyria like a highway, the second exodus. This will be paralleled in the Millennial Kingdom as God calls forth the dispersed Jews to be his Royal Priesthood. Chapter 12 picks up there.

...continue reading "Isaiah 12 (Millennial Kingdom)"


I'm tracking the kings and prophets through the last days of the Israel and, soon after, Judah.

...continue reading "Isaiah 9 (Judah)"

Amos has completed his original prophesies of the cities and nations of the region and two of three messages, or sermons, for Israel. Chapters Three and Four dealt, largely, with the many sins of Israel and her failure to turn back to the Lord. Chapter 4 ends with the warning that Israel has gone too far, it's too late, and they should prepare to meet their maker. And the Amos reminding them of who God is. Chapter 5 covers Amos' third sermon.

...continue reading "Amos 5 (Israel)"

Isaiah begins with his indictment of Judah's behavior and a prophesy of their future which is also a parallel to the end times. Then we flash back to read about his calling. Now we are back in his historical timeline with the kings of his time.

...continue reading "II Kings 16; II Chron 28 & Isaiah 7 (Judah)"

So Jonah finally gets to Nineveh and the people believe God's message and genuinely repent- from the king to the nobles, to the servants. So God relents and keeps them from destruction. All's well that ends well, right? Not if you are Jonah.

...continue reading "Jonah 4"