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After Jeremiah delivers God's messages to the final few kings of this line of David, he turns to the prophesy of the real King who will be coming, our Messiah.

...continue reading "Jeremiah 23"

The Lord speaks again to the house of the king of Judah.

...continue reading "Jeremiah 22"

This post includes the closing verse of chapter 52 and all of 53 as this is the passage describing the Suffering Servant of Jesus Christ.

...continue reading "Isaiah 52:13- 53 Suffering Servant"

According to Ryrie Study Bible's Book of Isaiah outline, this is the first of the next nine chapter specially related to the Servant Messiah.

...continue reading "Isaiah 49"

After another pass at II King 16 & 17 and II Chronicles 27 & 28, Israel has fallen and has been hauled away. God has orchestrated a priest to come back and teach His ways, but the people just add that to their previous worship. Meanwhile Judah is still alive, but not thriving under Ahaz. Both book passages end with the death of Ahaz and the introduction of his successor, his son Hezekiah.

Now the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading list sends us back to Isaiah. Previously in Isaiah, he was prophesying about the end of Israel and two beautiful chapters about the Messiah.

...continue reading "Isaiah 13 (Babylon)"

Micah has brought the bad news of Judah's fall and captivity and the message of its deliverance through a remnant spared by the Lord; but now we're looking forward to the last days when the nations come together to try and crush Israel; but are destroyed by the Lord.

...continue reading "Micah 5 (Judah)"

Isaiah has been prophesying about the end of Israel as a cautionary tale for Judah. We've seen that Assyria will be the instrument to crush Israel and then come for Jerusalem, sending Judah's villagers fleeing in fear. But the Lord will deal with Assyria and raise up a remnant of his people.

...continue reading "Isaiah 11 (Judah/Israel)"