This post includes the closing verse of chapter 52 and all of 53 as this is the passage describing the Suffering Servant of Jesus Christ.
...continue reading "Isaiah 52:13- 53 Suffering Servant"Category: God’s Word
Isaiah 49
According to Ryrie Study Bible's Book of Isaiah outline, this is the first of the next nine chapter specially related to the Servant Messiah.
...continue reading "Isaiah 49"Isaiah 45
At the end of Isaiah 44, the Lord is predicting the deliverance of Israel from Babylon by the decree of Cyrus, 150 years in advance. This prediction regarding Cyrus continues in this chapter.
...continue reading "Isaiah 45"Isaiah 40
We now enter a new section of Isaiah. Most commentators distinguish two "halves" of the book. The dire prophetic judgements of the "Old Testament" half, with the tragic end of Israel and much of Judah by the Assyrians, and the more hopefully, Messianic, "New Testament" half in which Isaiah has amazingly accurate prophesies regarding Babylon. This second second begin with chapter 40.
...continue reading "Isaiah 40"Isaiah 38
This is the second of three events we see in the "historical interlude" in the middle of the book of Isaiah, all related to King Hezekiah. These are cross-referenced in II Kings 20 and II Chronicles 32.
...continue reading "Isaiah 38"Isaiah 36
The next few chapters, chapters 36-39, are referred to as an historical interlude. It's very specific to the reign of Judah's King Hezekiah.
...continue reading "Isaiah 36"Isaiah 35
This is the final chapter in the "woes and blessings" chapters (ch 24-35). This chapter is a direct contrast to the previous chapter 34. From Armageddon to the contrasting Kingdom of God and the blessings enjoyed for those who chose Him and are in His family.
...continue reading "Isaiah 35"Isaiah 33
In the Ryrie Study Bible's outline of Isaiah, Chapter 27-35 are labeled as denunciations against Israel and Judah, with the subtitle of "woes and blessings". We've spent the last few chapters dealing mostly with Egypt; but the focus shifts to Assyria.
...continue reading "Isaiah 33"Isaiah 31 (Judah)
This is the final chapter in the chapters 28-31 Five Woes.
...continue reading "Isaiah 31 (Judah)"Isaiah 30 (Judah)
Chapters 28-31 include 5 "woes". This chapter covers Woe 4.
...continue reading "Isaiah 30 (Judah)"