Next up in the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading list is Zephaniah.
...continue reading "Zephaniah"Category: Jesus
II Kings 22 (Josiah Understood the Assignment)
Yay, it's time for Josiah!
...continue reading "II Kings 22 (Josiah Understood the Assignment)"II Kings 20-21
With the end of Isaiah, the chronological reading list brings us back to II Kings and Hezekiah.
...continue reading "II Kings 20-21"Isaiah 65 and 66
Wrapping it up with a bang.
...continue reading "Isaiah 65 and 66"Isaiah 63, 64, and 65:1-16
Isaiah 63 through the first part of 65 gives the formula for the blessings we've been reading about: Judgment; Confession; Repentance.
...continue reading "Isaiah 63, 64, and 65:1-16"Isaiah 62
A beautiful prediction of Jerusalem's (Zion's) final redemption.
...continue reading "Isaiah 62"Isaiah 61
Hope from the Messiah!
...continue reading "Isaiah 61"Isaiah 60 Arise and shine!
The NASB section title is The Glory of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom...I am quite intrigued.
...continue reading "Isaiah 60 Arise and shine!"Isaiah 59
The continuation of sin, its consequences, and the mercy of the Lord.
...continue reading "Isaiah 59"Isaiah 58
What a powerful chapter on worship and how God perceives our worship.
...continue reading "Isaiah 58"