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I was so excited to be back in my Old testament reading, that I decided to squeeze in one more chapter before returning to my semester bible studies. My last post was Isaiah 2, which is the first chapter in a complete vison that spans through chapter 4 or 5.

...continue reading "Isaiah 3 (Judah)"

I've been away for awhile with bible studies and such, so by way of review, Isaiah opens with God bringing a reoccurring vision to Isaiah and a "court case" against he people of Judah for breaking their contract. He has a message of hope and a message of destruction for all sinners (all of us). We must choose.

...continue reading "Isaiah 2 (Judah)"

The Word of the Lord had come to pass and His judgement of the house of Ahab is coming to pass. Now Jehu is the King of Israel. Jehu must now see to the remaining members of the family.

...continue reading "II Kings 10-11; II Chronicles 22-23"

I have been on a very long journey to read the Old Testament in chronological order, which (once passed the first few books) is much more difficult than I would have guessed. Once I got passed the divided kingdom and it was going to take a few different books at once to move forward, I made a decision to go back and read more of the end of the united kingdom before it got too far away. So I read some Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.

Now, I am heading back to the narrative; but as a refresher, I am going to read through some I Kings and II Chronicles that I've already reviewed.

...continue reading "Goin’ Back to Go Forward"

Well...if you've following along on the recent adventures in my blog you'll know that Ahab finally brought God to the end of His mighty patience and God poured out a most severe judgement. Ahab finally expressed some grief and humility- bringing God to delay the judgement package until Ahab's son.

...continue reading "I Kings 22 (final chapter)"

I admit...I stole this title from Wiersbe's commentary on these chapters> I'll have to see if I change it once I read the content; but I'm guessing it's perfect because I think we're about to hit a string of kings and many of them will fly by as they did not glorify God.

Let's check 'em out.

...continue reading "I Kings 15-16 and II Chronicles 13-16: Kings on Parade"

I'm making my way through the first generation of leadership following the division between Israel and Judah. We took a closer look and Israel and Jeroboam in previous posts; and a cursory look at Rehoboam of Judah. But today we'll take a deeper dive into the reign of Rehoboam in II Chronicles 11-12.

...continue reading "II Chronicles 11-12: Rehoboam Continued"

Solomon is done with all-things-Temple and his palace and God appeared to Solomon and speaks to him for a second time, as He had appeared to him at Gibeon.

...continue reading "I Kings 9 and II Chronicles 7-8"