This is the second of three events we see in the "historical interlude" in the middle of the book of Isaiah, all related to King Hezekiah. These are cross-referenced in II Kings 20 and II Chronicles 32.
...continue reading "Isaiah 38"Category: God’s Glory
Isaiah 37
This is a continuation of the "historical interlude" from the reign of Hezekiah, as found in II Kings and cross-referenced in II Chronicles.
...continue reading "Isaiah 37"Isaiah 36
The next few chapters, chapters 36-39, are referred to as an historical interlude. It's very specific to the reign of Judah's King Hezekiah.
...continue reading "Isaiah 36"Isaiah 35
This is the final chapter in the "woes and blessings" chapters (ch 24-35). This chapter is a direct contrast to the previous chapter 34. From Armageddon to the contrasting Kingdom of God and the blessings enjoyed for those who chose Him and are in His family.
...continue reading "Isaiah 35"The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges (Ch. 7-8)
A continued reading of the Christian classic. These are observation and personal reflections, not a review.
...continue reading "The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges (Ch. 7-8)"The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges (Ch. 4-6)
My reading of the classic Christian book continues. These are notes and thoughts as I read, not a formal review.
...continue reading "The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges (Ch. 4-6)"Hosea 14 (Hallelujah!)
In this final chapter of Hosea we can look forward with relief and humility towards God's loving restoration of the prodigal people.
...continue reading "Hosea 14 (Hallelujah!)"Psalm 48
This psalm is listed along with II Kings 18 and II Chronicles 29-31, partial coverage of Hezekiah's reign.
...continue reading "Psalm 48"Isaiah 24, 25, 26, and 27
Buckle up. We've concluded the section on the oracles of the nations. Now we're heading into a new set of chapters, 24-27. Just to give the sense of it, here the section heading in my Ryrie Study Bible: THE FUTURE TRIBULATION AND KINGDOM (ISAIAH'S APOCALYPSE). That's quite a title. Isaiah's Apocalypse sounds like the title to a horror film. Previously, I might have been tempted to skim this section very quickly. But I've learned that, even though these times are often filled with horror, they are actually a time of Hope. God drawing every last soul who will choose Him.
...continue reading "Isaiah 24, 25, 26, and 27"Isaiah 22 (Jerusalem)
I think humans have a default toward tribal thinking. We view "us" as superior and more cherished than "them". I don't think most people will agree that they, personally, are prone to it; but it shows up in a hundred different way in life. I spotted that thinking in myself when I saw that the next oracle wasn't a terrible foreign enemy, but our Jerusalem. This should remind us that when we act like the enemies of God, we shouldn't be surprised to find ourselves on a list that includes those we're acting like.
It seems like this chapter is related to the events immediately before, during, and/or after the reign of Hezekiah.
...continue reading "Isaiah 22 (Jerusalem)"