So Jonah finally gets to Nineveh and the people believe God's message and genuinely repent- from the king to the nobles, to the servants. So God relents and keeps them from destruction. All's well that ends well, right? Not if you are Jonah.
...continue reading "Jonah 4"Category: God’s Plan
Jonah 3
When last we saw Jonah, he had scooped up by a great fish at the bottom of the ocean, stubbornly spent three days and nights in its belly, and finally repented and was saved by God. He had been spit out on dry ground at the end of chapter 2.
...continue reading "Jonah 3"Jonah 2
Jonah's about to get a crash course in the concept and need to die to self.
...continue reading "Jonah 2"Jonah 1
Following the chronological order of the Old Testament; I am in II Kings and II Chronicles and taking a side tour to Jonah during the reign of Jeroboam II.
...continue reading "Jonah 1"Intro to Jonah
In my attempt to read the Bible in chronological order, both the Blue Letter Bible and the NIV chronological Bible have Jonah up next, in the midst of II Kings and II Chronicles. I recently did a bible study on Jonah, so I'm anxious to see what comes of this personal study.
...continue reading "Intro to Jonah"II Kings 14; II Chronicles 25
I think we're heading into the beginning of the end of the nation of Israel prior to the Assyrian and Babylonia defeats.
...continue reading "II Kings 14; II Chronicles 25"II Kings 10-11; II Chronicles 22-23
The Word of the Lord had come to pass and His judgement of the house of Ahab is coming to pass. Now Jehu is the King of Israel. Jehu must now see to the remaining members of the family.
...continue reading "II Kings 10-11; II Chronicles 22-23"II Chronicles 21-22:9
We've been away from II Chronicles for awhile; but the story picks up here parallel to II Kings 8-9.
...continue reading "II Chronicles 21-22:9"Turning 50 and Nehemiah 13
I start with a confession. I've been in a mood as of late. And not a godly mood. Not everyday and not all of the time; but building for the last couple of years since I was at a graduation party and someone pointed out that my brother and cousin were turning fifty years old. And in the final days before my own 50th birthday, last week, this mood left me weepy and fully self-pity and entitlement.
...continue reading "Turning 50 and Nehemiah 13"II Kings 6 and 7
This section is focused on the ministry of the prophet Elisha. So far we've seen him intervene in the affairs of nations, leaders, random individuals, and those who serve and learn from him.
...continue reading "II Kings 6 and 7"