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Using the Blue Letter Bible chronological reading list, we have a brief pause between Isaiah 48 and 49. We revisit Hezekiah in II Kings 19 and then read these three psalms, 46, 80, and 135.

...continue reading "Psalms 46, 80, and 135"

The Ryrie Study Bible titles this section "In Releasing Judah from Babylon." The Lord was speaking to Cyrus, Israel's deliverer from Babylon; then He spoke directly to Babylon. Now He speaks to Israel.

...continue reading "Isaiah 48 (Judah)"

At the end of Isaiah 44, the Lord is predicting the deliverance of Israel from Babylon by the decree of Cyrus, 150 years in advance. This prediction regarding Cyrus continues in this chapter.

...continue reading "Isaiah 45"

Beautiful promises of redemption from our Lord.

...continue reading "Isaiah 43"

We now enter a new section of Isaiah. Most commentators distinguish two "halves" of the book. The dire prophetic judgements of the "Old Testament" half, with the tragic end of Israel and much of Judah by the Assyrians, and the more hopefully, Messianic, "New Testament" half in which Isaiah has amazingly accurate prophesies regarding Babylon. This second second begin with chapter 40.

...continue reading "Isaiah 40"

This is the second of three events we see in the "historical interlude" in the middle of the book of Isaiah, all related to King Hezekiah. These are cross-referenced in II Kings 20 and II Chronicles 32.

...continue reading "Isaiah 38"

This is a continuation of the "historical interlude" from the reign of Hezekiah, as found in II Kings and cross-referenced in II Chronicles.

...continue reading "Isaiah 37"

Chapters 28-31 include 5 "woes". This chapter covers Woe 4.

...continue reading "Isaiah 30 (Judah)"

A reflection on where God met me and who I am now, in Him.

...continue reading "My Walk with the Lord"