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This is it! Having completed his indictment and discourse to the people of Judah (and any of us here for the end times), the timeline seems to shift and Isaiah goes back to describe the events of his calling as a prophet of the Lord.

...continue reading "Isaiah 6 (Judah)"

Chapter 3 ends with the proud, seductive daughters of Zions being taken and abused as slaves in this time of terror and desolation. Chapter 4 opens with women so desperate for a husband, they agree to support themselves.

...continue reading "Isaiah 4 (Judah)"

I've been away for awhile with bible studies and such, so by way of review, Isaiah opens with God bringing a reoccurring vision to Isaiah and a "court case" against he people of Judah for breaking their contract. He has a message of hope and a message of destruction for all sinners (all of us). We must choose.

...continue reading "Isaiah 2 (Judah)"

When last we saw Jonah, he had scooped up by a great fish at the bottom of the ocean, stubbornly spent three days and nights in its belly, and finally repented and was saved by God. He had been spit out on dry ground at the end of chapter 2.

...continue reading "Jonah 3"

Following the chronological order of the Old Testament; I am in II Kings and II Chronicles and taking a side tour to Jonah during the reign of Jeroboam II.

...continue reading "Jonah 1"

It's Leader Day for the women's ministry at my church. It's a time for the bible study leaders and other leaders in the women's ministry at both campuses to come together and build one another up so that we can go back to the ladies and shine the light back to them.

...continue reading "Leader Day 2021"

This section is focused on the ministry of the prophet Elisha. So far we've seen him intervene in the affairs of nations, leaders, random individuals, and those who serve and learn from him.

...continue reading "II Kings 6 and 7"

In this section, we're learning about the many amazing miracles and stories about the prophet Elisha. I always thought of Elisha as being Elijah's "little brother"; but I see that I was wrong. I think many of the things that Elisha has done have exceeded Elijah. And Elisha is the archetype more like Jesus. His works are meant to accomplish very different things than Elijah. It's very interesting!

...continue reading "II Kings 5"

We've seen Elijah's big exit and Elisha letting everyone know that the new kid is for real! Now Elisha begins his work as God's messenger to the kings.

...continue reading "II Kings 3-4"

I took a close look at these chapters recently, so this will be a high-level brief look back at these events.

...continue reading "I Kings: All Things Elijah, Ahab, and Jehoshaphat (Chs. 17-22)"