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About paloma

blogger, bibliophile, story-teller, Christian, wife, educator, nerd

It's been a few weeks since I blogged. I miss it. Whenever I'm in or leading a bible study that requires a substantial time commitment; that becomes my daily quiet time. But my current study is wrapping up and I have the day off! So I'm diving back in to Song of Solomon.

...continue reading "Song of Solomon 3-4"

Well, Chapter One didn't get on the romantic note I had been led to believe; but I'm sure that's equal parts lack of knowledge for some of the cultural reference required to understand and my general frustration with some of the psalms and proverbs.

I'll try and have a more positive approach today.

...continue reading "Song of Solomon 2"

While I was waiting for a commentary to arrive, I took a detour back to Ecclesiastes and now I am going to read Song of Solomon before continuing my chronological read of the Old Testament.

The Blue Letter Bible chronological suggested order has II Chronicles chapter 1 and Psalm 72 adjacent to this book, so I am going to read those first, by way of reorienting to Solomon's timeframe.

...continue reading "Song of Solomon Adjacent"